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06-24-2010, 01:55 PM
There are over 1 million Earthquakes that shake the Earth every year......
Light Travels at an astonishing 186,000 miles per second.....
The Eagle Nebula is over seven light years tall.... The Eagle Nebula is where stars are formed....
Andromeda is our nearest galaxy and it would take 2 million years to get there on our fastest spacecraft......
The human eye can distinguish 50 different shades of grey......
It is impossible to tickle yourself because your brain is programed to feel it before you even thought of doing it.......
The world's first test tube twins are Stephen and Amanda Mays born 5th of June 1981.....
The oldest known disease in the world is leprosy.....
A person infected with the SARS virus, has a 95-98% chance of recovery.....
There are 10 million species of life on planet Earth not including sub species.....
Land is 29% of Earth's surface, which covers 57,268,900 square miles.......
The Driest place on Earth is Atacama desert on the coast of Chile, South America. Some places have not received rainfall in 400 years. Average overall is .01 cm per year......
In 1950, 15% of the earth's land surface was covered by rain-forest, now more than 1/2 of that 15% is gone forever.....
The tallest tree ever recorded was a Eucalyptus tree in Australia which stood at 445 feet tall......
Sperm can be manufactured from scratch in a science lab.........
500,000 trees must be cut down to produce each week’s Sunday newspaper......
Blood makes up 7% of your body's total weight......
Red Blood cells, white Blood cells, plasma and platelets are made naturally by the body in the bone marrow......
Bamboo can grow 9 inches a day in perfect conditions......
Rain-forests act as the world's thermostat by regulating temperatures and weather patterns.......
The Preying Mantis is the only insect that can turn its head........
There are more organisms in a shovelful of dirt than there are people on the planet.....
Every human being spent about half an hour as a single cell......
Every star in the night sky is a distant sun in a different galaxy our nearest star is the sun......
Sound travels through water 3 times faster than through the air........
Water expands by 9% when it is frozen........
Angel Falls in Venezuela is the tallest waterfall on the planet standing at 979 meters tall, it takes 14 seconds for the water to reach the rock pool beneath after falling of its edge.....
The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal on the planet it can travel up to 200 mph when in flight.....
1 light year equals 9,470,000,000,000 km..... (1 light year = 9.47 x1012 km).......
3 foot of water is bullet proof.... the bigger the bullet the more chance you have at survival... the size of the bullet and the speed it travels at when it meets the volume and density of the water it pulls itself apart in the first three feet....
A sneeze can exceed the speed of 100mph....
Your teeth are the only part in your body that can't repair itself...... Every thing else has the ability to fix itself....
We are all born colour blind its the people that don't develop strong muscles in their cornea that end up being colour blind....
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.... it stretches for over 200 km....
The worlds oceans contain enough salt to cover all the continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet.....
Polar Bears are almost undetectable by infrared cameras, its because of their transparent fur....
A single rye plant can spread up to 100 miles of roots underground.....
A giraffe has the same amount of vertebrae as a human.... they are just much larger than ours...
Mars takes 697 days to orbit the sun......
Camels have three eyelids and extra long eye lashes to keep the sand from their eyes during storms...
Porcupines float in water.......
The largest hailstone that fell from the sky weighed over 1.2 kg and it fell in Bangladesh in 1986....
Earths life expectancy is 5 Billion years from 2010.......
It takes 60 seconds for a single blood cell to travel around your body and back to your heart....
15% of the world’s fresh water flows down the Amazon River....
Half of the world’s 6 billion people are under the age of 25......
The call of the humpback whale is the loudest sound produced by any living animal....
Our Universe contains over 100 billion galaxies........
A raindrop can only hit you at 18mph maximum.....
A dog's sense of smell is 1,000 times more sensitive than a humans......